Since 2013, Miro Reljic has helped thousands of professionals build inner resilience and create success. Miro is an entrepreneur and a passionate facilitator who delivers results to his clients and makes a difference in his community.

When Miro Reljic arrived in Canada as a Serbian refugee from war-torn Croatia in 1999, he was barely able to speak English. With his will and determination, he built himself into a true entrepreneurial success, first graduating from University of Calgary in 2004 (BA Econ) and then the University of Cambridge (Diploma in Coaching). After working for top-five Canadian oil and banking companies, in 2013 Miro founded Reljic Coached, a coaching and consulting company whose clients have included Google, Airbus, the New York Stock Exchange, Warren Buffet’s company, Berkshire Hathaway and in Canada, TransCanada, Suncor, Encana, Gibson Energy and ATB Financial. He has coached for free more than 5,000 newcomers in Canada.

Miro is the only Canadian who has been selected in 2017, 2018 and 2019 to coach EMBA students from 32 countries  at the Cambridge Judge Business School, ranked among top 5 business schools in the world. He was awarded the RBC Top 25 Canadian Immigrants Award in 2017 and the Immigrant of Distinction Award for Community Service in 2018.

Freddi Dogterom, Award Winning, CPT PRP CCDP Accredited Speaker

"Loved your keynote. Great information, lovely humour and a very encouraging story. I could see the polished marble floors! Be magnificent, Freddi."